Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More on Trempealeau County

If you read my first blog and watched the videos then you can see how big the problems in Trempealeau County are, not were, ARE. There's still lot there that is just not right and it will take a long time to tell the story. It wasn't just the Wineski assaults or the slap in the face of the 5 years he served in prison for what may easily be 300 to 400 sexual assault victims.
There are other legal atrocities committed in that county and complaints to the state and federal authorities were ignored. These came to my attention while I was working to stop Wineski.
While there were hundreds of cases of police misconduct in Trempealeau County, some came to my attention with enough detail that I can include them here. Once I've told you about a few of the other things going on in Trempealeau County I will get back to the Dan Wineski story. But these deserve a mention because similar cases in the United States, while lesser in degree and nature have caused national outrage and investigations these have passed relatively quietly due to a wall of silence created by the courthouse. (In these blogs when I use the term courthouse I an referring to the Trempealeau County courthouse and all the departments within it. They function as a unit, as one. Each covering the tracks of the other in the good ole boy network that is the "courthouse"
Steve Peplinski owned a bowling alley Galesville Wisconsin. After receiving a ticket for having an underage person in his establishment, (which he did but legally as an employee) Peplinski began preparing his defense to fight the ticket. He went to city hall and asked for a few things, public records, who was on the law enforcement committee? A copy of a police report, and worst of all he asked questions about the city budget!! In response he was denied his requests and the city not only started a harassment campaign against Peplinski. This led to further requests, and further harassment. The city of Galesville actually passed a city resolution/law making it illegal for Peplinski to attend public meetings, ask for public records and set foot on public property. Years later this was overturned as unconstitutional. The Peplinski is still ongoing and years long but this part is well known to me and heavily documented so I can safely post it here. In case you are wondering? Of course Peplinski went to the county and the state with complaints about the city of Galesville, and that is another reason his story is important here.
Peplinski's complaints to the county went to then Sheriff Randall "Randy" Niederkorn. (The same Niederkorn that handled my complaints in my case and told me that he would not do anything about the Wineski assaults and that I would have to take care of that myself.) Niederkorn did his usual job of ignoring the complaints and Peplinski's public record requests. That brought Peplinski to to filing complaints with the state of Wisconsin. Those complaints went to the desk of David Collins then Administrator of the DCI (Division of Criminal Investigation)who disposed of Peplinski's complaints. What most people don't know is that Collins got his start in law enforcement in the Trempealeau County sheriff's department and served with many of the cops still working in the county. Collins is also the brother of Terry Collins the Mayor of Galesville. This good ole boy network had protection at the state level. That is part of how Dan Wineski got away with hundreds of sexual assaults over a 24 year period.
The Przybilla family met the same problems after the murder of Aloyzie Przybilla on April 2 or 3, 1997. The Trempealeau County sheriff's department ignored the victims family in the house saying I think that looks like blood and that's a shell casing. Aloyzie's body was moved 3 times before anyone noticed the bullet hole in his chest. Then investigator Randy Niederkorn told Allen Przybilla to leave that part out of his statement. The Przybilla family then took their complaints of police misconduct to the state. Again these complaints were given to David Collins. In the end no one was ever convicted of the murder and it remains an open case today. The prosecutor assistant attorney general Don Latorrica could only get burglary convictions. It is worthy to note that Latorrica is the same prosecutor that handled the Wineski case and while he did get a conviction there Wineski was originally looking at 33 years and Latorrica made a plea bargain with Wineski bringing that down to 7 years of which he only served 5 despite the fact that at least 8 other victims were willing to testify and hundreds of victims and witnesses were interviewed by the DCI. I fully believe that if the Wineski case had actually went to trial there would have been evidence of the state's part in the cover up of the Wineski assaults and the attorney generals office simply could not have that happen.
Aloyzie was murdered during a home robbery but no large amounts of money were found, nor any evidence the perpetrators of the burglary had gotten any. However many people of Aloyzie's age who lived through the great depression of the 1930's did not keep money in banks. If he did have a quantity of cash in his house and the robbers/killers did not get it and the Przybilla family did not get it,,, there are only 2 options left. Either it was never found or the cops got it. As I may write of this again it is also noteworthy here that Allen Przybilla made a public record request for a copy the 911 he made when he learned of his fathers death. That request went to Niederkorn who took 6 years to produce a copy of the tape. Allen swears it is a forgery. I have listened to it and believe it is the product of 2 separate 911 calls pieced together. The first words spoken are asking when are you going to get here. The 1st call was not responded to so a 2nd was made. The conversation on that tape is out of order. It's obvious that there is something on the original that the cops want to keep secret. Trempealeau county cops do have a reputation for stealing from the dead.
I only briefly touched on these 2 cases, there is a lot more detail in each of them that shows how the victims stood their ground while the courthouse violated laws, ethics and morals codes to keep their crimes and conduct secret.
Moving along,, other complaints going to the Trempealeau County sheriff's department would have either been handled then Chief Deputy Dan Schreiner or Michael Wineski. Schreiner was best of friends with Collins who traveled to Whitehall for Schreiner retirement party (that happened after the Wineski arrest and people began to see the truth) and Michael Wineski was also investigated for the sexual assault of children while on duty and was forced to retire after another police officer filed a complaint of sexual assault against Wineski. He was also Dan Wineski's brother.
Now you may be starting to see the real problem. But I am going to give you some more so you can grasp the deapth of the problem. During Dan Wineski's 24 year career as a sexual predator hiding behind a badge and with a courthouse to protect him his boss was Whitehall Police Chief Larry Estenson. That position was appointed by the city council NOT elected. Had there been an election Larry Estenson would have been outed decades ago. When questioned by the DCI Estenson did admit to hearing what he called "rumors" about Dan Wineski going back to the early 1980's (when a crying teenager comes to the chief of police and says she wants to file a complaint about the cop that raped her the night before. IT'S NOT A FUCKING RUMOR!!!!) That is not even the point of this story Larry Estenson's son Dave Estenson also got a job in law enforcement and just starting out was only working part time in the small town of Strum Wisconsin (in Trempealeau County)a bar in that town had a very pretty bartender so Dave decided he could use threats of tickets and charges, even threatening to have the bar's liquor license revoked if she did not have sex with him. She wa smarter then that told him no. But the point is that he did this in the narrow window of time between Dan Wineski's plea hearing and sentencing. the arrest of Dan Wineski had no effect on the other cops committing sexual assaults in Trempealeau County. I gave this girls name and complaint to the DCI, she later gave the complaint herself. The DCI did nothing.
The way to fix this problem is to clean out the courthouse and the DCI as well as the attorney general's office and get new people in there that will do their job and not cover up for some lowlife just because he went to school for a year and got a job with a badge and a gun.
A couple other miscellaneous notes that came up in my Wineski investigation that I want my readers to be aware of all happened in Trempealeau County. Near the town of Elk Creek a farmers cows got through the fence. Then deputy Steve Jelen decided that they were too close to the road and proceeded to shoot 7 of them.
Another.,, While golfing at the course in Arcadia Randy Niederkorn, Michael Wineski and another un-named cop decided it would be fun to try and hit the neighboring farmer's barn and cattle with golf balls. When the farmer saw what was going on and walked across his field to confront the 3 drunks they decided the best course of action would be attack and beat him. These 2 did not make the news, but were kept out of the local media. Both happened in the 1990's.
With this blog I have brought you a little insight on Trempealeau County. I will add more of this in the future, but for now I'll take a short break and in my next blog I will add more on the Dan Wineski case.
Thanks for reading, I hope you pass this along


  1. This is one of the most amazing articles I have ever read about this county.. There is so much more to these stories and many more that people should know about!! I am forwarding and sharing on FB.. Hope to spread this word!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If people would dare to research the doings in every county, I would be willing to bet my salary that there are an abundance of cases where police and/or those in courthouse positions cover up or neglect cases that deserve attention. People wonder why our country is going to hell???? This proves that the corrupt political BS is ubiquitous; it's not just in the federal government. It's reach extends into our own back yards. The problem is that too few people have the courage to do anything about it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh ya i could tell you also how corrupt this county is as my family once lived in it and to this day we do not go near the county lines without fear and make every effort to stay away from it . You want to talk about a corrupt county you picked the right county to talk on .

  5. To think I was born there. but I think you will this in most counties across the USA.
    cop's think their above the law because they have a badge. But there are good cop's too.

  6. Corruption is everywhere, the good old boy system runs wild in this county. You could probably write for a month just on the subject of officer Jim Brudos. One thing you didn't cover in your story is what a jerk Peplinski was and that most of the town of galesville was in support of the police because of all the stupid thing he was doing in a childish atempt to provoke the law. Please don't get me wrong I support what your saying, but on the subject of that goofy bastard your kinda giving half the story. Please keep blogging on this subject and look into Brudos, his harrasment and scare tactics were right out of a movie. I'm not sure if the deleted comments were rude or full of explitives but by deleting them it kinda looks like your pushing your agenda rather than trying to expose the truth.

  7. Been trying to email the man who wrote this, e-mail me, I have some info gustavsontroy@ gmail.com

  8. We had someone break into our house went and was caught there by our house watcher and he went to jail and didn't even go to court it was dropped the judge tried to say we were pressing charges for stealing 2 packs of Ramon noodles no when the fuck is ok to break in to a locked house and stay there admit to it and get away with it I wanna go to the state but don't know how to begin it plz help

  9. The person above removed the comments not TM.
    Wineski was plead because that's how it was set up.
    Instead of protecting the victims,the prosecutor protected the corrupt and perverted from their victims.
    They buried possibly thousands of crimes commited against Trempealeau County and its citizens. This is an ongoing situation as TM says.
    The above posesses evidences that are undeniable and prove without question what has been taking place in this county for many years.
    Their evidence confirms the others claims.
    Luckily statute of limitations in these criminal acts are extended.
    The federal prosecutors office cannot continue to shield the state and county at the expense of its citizens. Wineski admitted to perjury in 40+ cases.
    Those cases include family court cases where innocent fathers of this community and their assets were targeted. Fathers were set up with criminal charges,stripped of their children and assets in these criminal acts. Once the dads incarceration or stay at the northern center were arrainged,or they were run off these predators went after the women they involved and the teen females they targeted. Criminal acts commited by moms are used to get access to the daughters. But getting them intoxicated or as they prefer hooked on drugs is the preferred method so they have repeated access or as leverage to force the mom and/or daughter into sex acts.
    What needs to happen for the safety of the community is the community must take a stand
    And force someone to stop what has gone on for far too long. Just remember god doesn't judge by sanitized court records or the payoff of witnesses to falsely testify. He sees all,knows all and will judge all. The above has faith that when their case come to the courts others will again step forward. They won't right now of course because of the on going problem of corruption.

  10. A digital video that captured an attorney for the district attorneys office of Trempealeau County and a woman from one of these on going cases.
    The exhusband showed us numerous communications by text of this woman abusing him with the claim to have purchased a specific outcome to their divorce. The texts included referrences to influence being sold,charges being set up,character assasination,taunting about false instruments such as parental assesments being sold and other acts of crime being commited against the exhusband and children. The woman has mental health issues and is apparently one of many to be preyed on at the expense of an innocent father.
