Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Police officer Dan Wineski serial rapist

I got started in this back in 1988 when a friend asked me for help because a cop had sexually assaulted his girlfriend a couple years prior while I was away in the Marine Corps. Let's call him Steve. Steve told me and of course I told him to go to the police chief. He said that he did and and had gotten in a lot of trouble on false charges because he did and the sheriff's departmet was part of it. I believed that because when my brother was killed in a car accident in 1978 the sheriff's department had returned his wallet to us empty. He died less then an hour after cashing his paychech and had all his cash on him. About $250. So I knew the cops were crooked in the county I just didn't know how bad, but I was about to learn.
If you are wondering where this happened at? Whitehall Wisconsin, Trempealeau County. Dan Wineski was the cop. He was eventually arrested for sexual assault of a 14 year old girl. That assault took place in his squad car in 1996. Wineski was not arrested until 2004 and only served 5 years of a 7 year sentence. State records from the investigation show victims statements that he raped his first 14 year old in 1979.
As you can see this cop had a 25 year career as a sexual predator. I obviously can't tell the whole story in one blog. But I have to start somewhere. If you have doubts about what I am saying I suggest you search his name on youtube and watch the long version (and the other 2).
Going back to 1988, when I learned of my Steve's troubles I agreed to help. Going to the media was the next logical step. We decided that it would be best if we could find a few girls that would talk. easy to find the victims in a small town of 1500, but finding one that would talk was another story. The cops had a reputation for revenge and used charges against victims and their family as a weapon to ensure silence, just like they had done to Steve. Within week of my asking questions I was approached by an employee of the Trempealeau County sheriff's departmet who told me if I didn't quit I would "Wake up with coke (cocaine) in my car and cops in my driveway."
I wasn't going to quit then but Steve told me I had better because they meant it. It was then that I knew how serious this was and something had to be done. In that short time I found out Wineski had sexually assaulted dozens of girls, gotten one pregnant, been locked in the backseat of his squad car when one got away and closed the door (he had to kick out the window) this after his arrest became known as the "Wade Road Incident" and more disturbingly this all seemed to be common knowledge among the residents of Whitehall.
I will stop this blog here for now, but trust me there is a lot more to come.

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